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What to know before purchasing an essay

Purchasing an essay may seem like an easy task. All you do it fill out a form, deposit some money into an account, and collect your essay when it is finished. However, it is very easy for students to be taken advantage of by unscrupulous people who are just trying to get money while delivering nothing in return. Because it is easier to find a fake essay writing website than an honest one, there are a few important things to do.

  1. Look closely at the website. If you notice that the website has several spelling errors or grammar mistakes, then you should immediately avoid that website. It could be a fake site trying to scam unsuspecting students out of their money or you might end up with essays that are poorly written or even plagiarized. An honest website will have a tidy appearance and it should not have any obvious errors.
  2. Engage the customer service department. Do not just buy an essay from the first website you see. Look around at other sites and try to communicate with the customer service department. Some essay writing sites prefer to conduct business over the phone for the protection of their clients. Do not be afraid to make a phone call, but do not give your credit card number or any other personal information out over the phone.
  3. Look for particular features. The honest writing websites will have several appealing features. The first is that they only hire native English speakers, because they write in a natural tone. Teachers quickly notice non-native English in essays. The second feature is that they provide free revisions. Thirdly, you should be able to choose your own writer and be able to communicate with the writer of your choice. Lastly, you should be able to get your essay on time, all of the time. After these, the rest of the features are good extras.
  4. Do not pay too much. Look around at the prices that websites are charging so you can comparison shop. If you choose a website that only hires native speakers, you will pay more than the cheap sites that do not hire native speakers. The extra fee is worth it for the quality of writing. Know that the closer the assignment is to the deadline, the more websites will charge. They tend to charge by the page.